10 Ways to Market yourself as a Freelance Makeup Artist

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As a freelance worker, you are the core of your business. You are the only one who can ensure the each and every aspect of freelance business is functioning smoothly. It may include numerous things like, building profiles, bidding on jobs, bookkeeping, collecting testimonials, working with many clients on the same time and more importantly you have to market your online makeup business. The most difficult part of being makeup is to market your business. You can promote your online freelance business by using various method of promotion to spread the word about your businesses in a positive manner to attract more clients.

If you’re doing full-time online freelance jobs then your livelihood solely depends on your abilities. Even if you are providing makeup artist services part –time, the more diligent you are in promoting your business right now, the sooner you will be able to make the leap to becoming a full-time makeup artist. Therefore by implementing these tips, you may develop a steady stream of income as a freelancer makeup artist. Before reading and implementing these tips you should keep in mind that marketing of business is lengthy and require consistent efforts. You can also implement additional ideas or tips to promote your business because it is always better to over-promote.

  • Bookmarks

No matter you are doing online freelance jobs or you own a beauty parlor, business bookmarks are worthy for both types. Rather than making simple business cards, you have to create businessbookmark bookmarks; you can insert them into makeup and beauty relevant books in libraries. You can also insert your business bookmarks in new book at any book shop. On your business bookmarks you should include best from portfolio shot, your business phone numbers and address. You can enjoy the real benefits if you can insert bookmarks into bridal makeup books, wedding craft books and into wedding planning books, books about prom, modeling, etc.

  • Film YouTube Videos

Nowadays millions of peoples search on YouTube for beauty advice, makeup tutorials and reviews. You can develop your following for your freelance business by creating high quality makeup tutorials, reviews and giving tips to combat common issue. When you are going to create your video tutorials you should keep these points in your mind. Always use good lighting, speak clearly, use high quality video camera instead using of your computer camera. In addition to posting videos, you can make partner on YouTube if your videos are popular, it’ll be an effective way to supplement your income while still following your passion in makeup.

  • Join Different Freelance Forums

Nowadays there are countless platforms for doing jobs online, for continuous flow of jobs you should have to join different freelancing websites. You can find many makeup artists online who may offer you to work together. These kinds of websites are usually used by creative professionals. You can build your own network with talented professionals in your area and can work together to develop all of your portfolios simultaneously. Freelance websites can get you connected with models and interested clients.

  • Create a Website

Today it is significantly important to every kind of makeup artist to create a website to showcase your work, and other pages displaying your bio and rates. If you can create a reservation system in your website, it may bring more clients for you. You may very well lose potential clients to the competition, if you don’t have any website.

  • Write a Blog

Creating a website for your business is not enough, in addition to this, blog is also very important for your business. It is one of the most effective ways to promote your freelance jobs. You can write blog post about your previous jobs and coming jobs, you can include photos of the process/clients if possible; you can also post tutorials and reviews. You should write your blogs in a professional voice as this is avenue in which you promote your business, rather than rant about your everyday life.

  • Wear your Work

In fashion industry self-promotion also play a vital role in successful business, every time when you leave your home, do your makeup in a professional, interesting and awe-inspiring manner. Wear your WorkPeople will begin approach you to complement you on your makeup. You should take this opportunity to inform your admirers that you are makeup artist and hand them a business card.

  • Network with Other Makeup Artist

In every business network with other professionals always bring more business and information. Just like any other field, networking with other makeup artists can open the door to you receiving their overflow and vice versa. Whenever your makeup artist acquaintances have too many clients contacting her for work, they will refer them to you instead of turning them away altogether.

  • Participate in Social Media

Today there is great change in digital marketing, now you must have to build social network because social networking is one of the most effective ways to spread the word about your freelance makeup artist business. You can promote your freelance business on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Instagram and many others. The best way of promoting your business is to offer different kind of discounts and package deals, sending a link of your blog posts or video on YouTube, you can also update your fans on the current happening of your makeup artist business.

  • Form local Alliances

You can form local alliances for the promotion of your makeup business. Local alliance can be very profitable for both partners. For alliances you don’t need to do any difficult thing. You just need to visit relevant business like bridal shops, bakeries and wedding planners, accessories shops and cosmetic shops, and ask them to pass out your business information if they have a bride that is yet to hire a makeup artist. In exchange, you can offer a commission or you can pass out their information to your clients. Both options are equally attractive to complementary businesses as they both result in additional revenue for the shop.

10- Ask Your Current Customers for Referrals

You can offer your clients a discount coupon for every new client that they refer to your business. These types of offers are observed more effective rather than any other marketing method. If you feel as if you’re losing money by offering such a discount, you can choose to totally skip this tip or alter it to your liking.

Finding online freelance jobs are always a difficult task, but in any case it is better to build up following slowly for your business by implementing proven methods than to take out loans or spend thousands of dollars to find work, that may or may not positively impact your makeup artist business. . Remember, you’re running a business – it’s up to you, and only you, to ensure that you receive a steady stream of clients in order to make your business a success.

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