Micro Jobs! Latest way of Making Money Online
Usually people do freelance jobs as full time job, these jobs consume more time as compare to formal jobs, and because of higher competition freelancers try their best to build a long term relation with employers. Now there is another type of freelance jobs called Micro Freelance jobs. Many freelancing companies tend to have micro jobs that they want to complete from freelancers as they have to pay a small amount.
Micro jobs are modern way of making money online. The most appreciated part of small online jobs is that anyone can do these kinds of jobs who are willing to generate some extra cash. Keep in mind that micro jobs won’t make you rich but would definitely provide some extra fast cash.
What are micro jobs?
Micro jobs are those tasks which are usually offered at online portals; generally these jobs are done at a very low price.
Almost all micro jobs are handled online. With the increasing number of online business and activities, the need for low paying and short term task is on the raise as many people have decided to venture in the online freelancing job, and deliver their services at a fee.
What kind of tasks is included in micro jobs or you may be asked to accomplish to earn some fast extra cash? Below are examples of micro jobs:
- Designing banners or logos
- Photoshop
- Making videos
- Music or wallpapers
- Creating e-book covers
- Posting reviews online
- Rating videos
- Signing up for websites
- Blog commenting
- Writing articles
- Adding someone as friend
- Giving a like on a Facebook page
- Bookmarking a website
- Following on twitter
- SEO services
Offer only those services in which you are specialized like if you are expert of social media marketing then you have to offer your services in that particular field. The most demanding and high paid micro job is article writing. If you have a good vocabulary in English then you can earn a lot of extra cash.
How will you get paid?
All micro jobs web portals are established in the same way. Almost all websites use the same payment method. You can withdraw the money you have earned from online freelance jobs by using Paypal account. You don’t need to worry about your money because these websites are absolutely safe and they are globally used.
How much money can you make from these micro job sites?
How much you can earn from micro jobs is totally depends on you. Its depends on the time you spent on online freelance websites, The more time you spend on freelance sites, the more experience you have , the more you will make money. Usually small jobs are in range from $5 to $100.
How small jobs websites work?
There are number of platforms you can use for getting small freelance jobs online. These websites provide different user interface for their clients. But mostly they work in a way where employer can post a job and freelancers bid on the job. Employer will hire you if he is satisfied with your work. Once you complete the job, client will pay you. Website will deduct services charges and remaining will transfer to your account. Here are some tips for you about how you can get more jobs on these websites.
Focus On Keywords
Just like search engine optimization for any website, you have to optimize your profile. You must have to include important keywords in your profile and gig. If you don’t include keyword in your gig then people will never find you in search results.
Offer Discounts
If you are new in this field then for getting more jobs you must have to offer discounts or something for free. Offering something free and special discounts is one of the best ways to attract more and more buyers.
Do What You Love to do
It is observed that freelancers tend to offer everything they can do. It is not a good idea in the current days of high competition. You should have to offer only those services which you can provide perfectly. Do something that you enjoy doing. There is no need to say, you must be skilled in that specific area. The point is that don’t do something that you don’t like.
Keep Your Buyers Happy
In every business there is nothing more important than happy customers. If you are working online then getting good reviews is really important. If clients are satisfied with your work, then take good feedbacks and use it to improve your ranking. Keeping buyers happy is only one secret for success in freelance business. Never take risk of getting negative feedbacks.
Be Punctual
Always offer something that doesn’t take much time. If you complete the job before given time, you have a happy client who may give you more jobs. If you failed to complete the job in given time then you may lose a potential client. So be punctual with your business.
Take the advantage of tags
Tags play an important role in search results; you can insert relevant keywords there. Attractive tagging is not an easy task. Before placing tags in your profile, you should review top rated freelancers profile to understand what kind of tags are used by successful freelancers.
Offer Multiple Services
It is also important to offer multiple services; this will improve your sales. But offer only these services which you can provide according to need of clients.
Stand Out of the Crowd
In order to attract buyers you need to make your ad stand out of the crowd. Here are some tips how you can do that:
- Give good quality and confident pictures
- Provide a video
- Title should be attractive
- Offer discounts and something for free
- Attractive description
- Improve your rating
- By following these tips you will be able to stand out of the crowd.
I hope was to give you an idea about making some extra fast cash with micro jobs. Try these out and make money online but always remember the secret for successful freelancer lies in the four letters-WORKS.