How to Take Your Freelance Career On Next Level?

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Do you want to take your freelance business on next level? This discussion will be very helpful in taking your freelance career on the next level. We will discuss some great ideas to make your freelance career more successful. When your clients have great experience working with you, they will want to work with you again for their next projects and they will also recommend you to their friends and others. Read these tips to take your freelancing business on the next level of success.


In every kind of business your past experience is much worthy for clients. Your freelance career success highly depends on your previous successfully completed jobs. Freelancer’s ranking also depends on the history of completed freelance jobs. Clients consider both things while they are going to hire freelancers for their new jobs.

Be Selective in Taking New Projects

You should be enthusiastic and passionate about new projects but it doesn’t mean you should take each and every offered project. You need to selective and have to take only those projects you can perform well and complete it within time. Before landing a new project you should keep following things in mind.

Understand the job

Always make sure that you know the scope of the job and required skills to complete the job. Do they match up with your expertise?


Before accepting any new job, it is very important to estimate that how much time you may take to finish the job successfully. Consider your other commitments and deadlines, and plan accordingly.

Explain and Clear Why You’re the Right Fit

It is very important for your every new freelance job that you have a clear understanding that why you are fit and right candidate for this projects. You also need to explain this to your clients. Use introductory letter to show off your experience, demonstrate your skills and make it easy for the client to choose you.

Interview Your Client

Interview your client while they interview you. If you need to be top among the experts, then it is very important for to understand the exact requirements of clients. If you feel that you can’t understand the exact requirement of client than don’t take the project.

How to Start

Before you start working on the new freelance job, it’s critical to make sure your new projects get off to a great start. Below some very useful tips are mentioned that have worked for other freelancers.

Have A Final Meeting Before Start Working

It is always recommended that before start working on new job you must have to arrange the final meeting with clients on skype, phone, or a Google Hangout, be sure to agree with deliverables that are needed and the deadlines.

Decide How You’ll Work Together

It is also important for your efficient progress that you must decide how you will work together, how and when you will communicate. You may also decide when you have to communicate and on what points and when you’ll update the client on your progress.


It is also very important for you decide first few deadlines. Break the whole project into small tasks and then set your deadlines for each task separately. It is also good idea to get them in writing so you can easily reference them again later.

Make Sure You Have What You Need

Before starting a new project make it sure that you have all things you may need to complete the project. It is good idea to prepare a list of questions and things you need. Always make sure that you have all the necessary password, permissions and information you need. Try to get everything at once.

Be Realistic

If you feel any time that you can’t meet the deadlines for any reason, it is good for you to inform the client and tell him the actual reasons of delay and then plan accordingly.

During The Project

For successful working relationship communication, respect and responsiveness are essential elements.

Be Proactive

You must be proactive during your project, always let them know what are doing and you are on the right track to complete the project even if your client doesn’t ask you to.

Respect Deadlines

Once you agreed with deadlines then you must have to respect these deadlines and need to finish your task before deadline. If you are unable to meet the deadlines, then you need to intimate clients immediately and let them know when you’ll be able to complete the work.

Ask Questions

Many freelance job holders shy to ask questions from clients. Believe it build more trust worthy relationship. Whenever you there is doubt, ask questions and don’t hesitate or afraid to ask questions. As we discussed above it is important to be proactive and confident that your work is on the right track.

Be Responsive

Clients always willing to hire freelancers that are responsive. So it is also an important key point in taking your freelance career on the next level.

How to End Project

It is universal truth that first impression is last impression but in freelance world it is saying that first impression can help you to win a contract and final impression can make or break the feedback you may receive. If client is happy on the end of project, there is more chances to get more jobs in future. So always make it sure that client is happy with your services. When you are going to submit your final work ask them to let you know if there is anything wrong or any change they may require. Ask your clients for feedbacks and always take their opinion about your work. Ask them what they think of your work and if it meets their expectations. Be open to fix it if necessary. If you do five-star work every time, your clients will rate you highly and be much more likely to work with you again.

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