Complete Graphic Design Process – For Online Clients And Freelance Designers

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If you want to hire a graphic designer? For many readers, I just want to let you know that every graphic designing project is unique in its nature, it may be sound confusing, but it is difficult to predict perfectly how the designing process will be complicated or puzzling.No doubt many projects will go through similar process to reach the final result, but the truth is that every project must be developed uniquely and can consume varying time and work to complete successfully.
In this article, we will talk about the graphic designing process, how the designer begins their work after brief discussion with client to final design visual. This article is also interesting for those clients who give hire freelancers and wondering about how they create a design and will also give you an understanding of why you are paying to graphic designer and how well they should pay. You will get an idea that how much work involves in designing process. Hopefully this article will be helpful for clients as well as for those people who are interested in the graphic designing career. Following are the major steps involved in the graphic designing process.

The Brief Outlines

The first step of making any graphic design is the brief outlines. The brief outlines in words that exactly elaborate the purpose of the design, its application and some ideas that supposed to be represented. At the initial stages of the project the graphic designer and the client must have to communicate so that the designer must be well informed about the project it will make sure that the designer will create something just according to the demand of the project. Communication over the phone, via email, or in person, or you may use all of these methods. The thing is that how better that the idea has been communicated and how exactly designer understand the project needs.Just remember that it is the one of the important key for creation of some awesome design. If you are doing freelance online jobs, then it may be quite difficult to collect all the relevant information from the description of the project. You must have to communicate with all possible ways because many freelancing websites don’t allow mention your e-mail address and Skype id or any other personal information.


Although you can describe your idea or requirements in words, but very often it is really helpful for the client to provide numerous references to understand the theme of the project, from references the graphic designer will be very clear about what kind of design and style is required for your project. It is not necessary, but it can save a lot of money and time. Providing references doesn’t mean that you are stealing the design or theme of your reference, you are just giving examples to your graphic designer. But keep in mind that reference should be very clear and exhibiting the theme, style, or feel about the desired outcome. It is also very good idea to borrow the design from others which are successful, but there is nothing better to create your own unique design and theme, it will also help you greatly in making a unique identification of your project. It is also not necessary to provide the reference in the initial stage,you can give references in the middle of the project. The positive side of using references is that you don’t have to change layouts many times as your designer will get in depth of your requirement and he will do his best and in result of that there will be no big changes in final layout else tiny changes .

Rough Concept

Almost every talented designer draws many rough concepts on a paper or in Adobe Photoshop for a single project. This is the most simplest representation of the components of the design. The Designers usually generate some quick ideas and draw them at once. Sometimes when a graphic designer provides rough concept to clients, they will tend to have other thoughts and afraid thinking that they have gotten an unqualified graphic designer. My sincere advice to these clients is that never worry about the rough concepts and never judge a designer from his rough concepts, it is same as if you judge a book by its cover rather than its writing material under the cover page. So never assume that you hire an amateur designer and your project will mess up by just reviewing only rough concept. If you are not happy with initial work don’t think to hire another graphic designer, you have to look and judge his standard by looking at the other jobs he has done for clients, if you find most of your designer work is high quality then just relax and move ahead to the next stage of designing process. I promise that if you are patient until the end your design your graphic designer will create an amazing piece of art and design into fruition for your company.Be aware that if you decide to hire another graphic designer then you must have to return his rough concepts because it is an infringement of copyright to take the designs from the first designer, hand them to someone else and have them reproduced.Your new designer must have to start from scratch and it may take extra time and money also.

Clients Without Reference

Clients without any reference and even sometimes they don’t have a fair idea about their final demand, this is understandable, after all they are paying you for your talent of representing ideas visually. In that case designer will tries to get all of his ideas on paper, and when the designer has satisfactory options, will usually send to you to be viewed. It is also good for you to have different choices while choosing design, but the design is not finalized and it will be a rough sketch.


A revision can happen at any time. While it is good to happen in the initial and middle stages of the project. But unfortunately you will never really know when revision comes up. Revisions are essential changes to the project that needs to be made and it may lead you in a situation where you have to replace or remove a major element of the design. Freelancer.Graphic designers who are doing freelance online jobs usually offer a certain amount of free revisions before the client will need to start paying for any changes.

Rough Visuals

The second last step of the graphic designing process is rough visuals. They are most important for any project, as they help to map out the various elements of the design and are used for experimental layout, theme and colors with the rest. In many projects there would be a couple of rough visuals. At this stage client will choose the most suitable for the project. After the final selection of rough visual designer can begin to work with the final design. At this stage most of thinking and conceptual work should be resolved an project should be heading in the right direction.

The Final Design

I the final stage of creating a design the graphic designer is required have a look and re-asses the project.There are some key points or questions, a graphic designer should ask himself or may take a final view of a design bearing in mind that

  • Can I do it any better than i have done?
  • Does this truly represent the company as they want to be represented?
  • Are the layouts mathematically perfect and everything aligned?
  • Will this design suit their demographic?
  • Do the styles match?
  • Do the fonts work?
  • Do the images look as professional as they can?
  • Are figures in the right pose or have the right facial expression?
  • Are there any typos?

If all the things looking nice then you can say that your design is complete and you can show the final design to client for any further changes. If you are presenting it to the client in person then try to have these design printed on professional looking paper.
If you are presenting the design online, then make it sure that you send a small size and low quality file, which is still visible if you are unsure about whether you are going to be paid.It is always wise to protect yourself so make arrangements for payment before sending the original high quality file or if you are willing to send original and high quality file then you must make such arrangements that design should be in format in which client just view the design and not to able to use the design before payment.

I just write down my own experience freelance graphic design jobs and the way I handle my own clients, hopefully you have learnt that how the graphic designer start their work and give you awesome services. According to my experience clients from online freelance websites are usually tends confused I tried to elaborate all thing important to know for designer as well as clients. You are appreciated to share your own experience.

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